Effluent Filters for Septic Tanks
New Septic Systems can cost as much as $40,000!
Extend the Life of Your System, Install a Septic Tank Filter TODAY!
With the rising costs associated with the engineering and installation of a new septic system, New Jersey Septic Management Group has become pro-active in educating customers about maintaining the largest, most costly system in their home… the septic system. In recent years, many engineers included an effluent filter in the septic tank in their design plans, knowing a filter can help to protect their client’s new, costly investment. Since the most recent re-adoption of the NJ septic code, April 2, 2012, such filters have been required by the NJ DEP, in all new septic tanks.
The goal of installing a septic tank filter is to protect your disposal field from contamination and premature failure. In existing systems, a filter can help extend its life and for new systems, a filter will protect the investment right from the beginning. It’s important to understand that a septic system is a mini-waste-water treatment plant that can contaminate the groundwater and possibly turn into a health hazard right in your own yard, without proper maintenance.
The #1 cause of septic system failure starts in your septic tank. Septic tanks (diagram #1, above) can only settle out and retain, at best, about 60% of the waste solids (sludge, scum, toilet & tissue paper, kitchen grease, hair, soap) from your home. The other 40% breaks down into suspended solids (particles) and gets carried out through the septic tank’s outlet baffle to the absorption area. The drainage laterals will start to build up with sludge (photo #2, above) that will seep down into the layers of gravel (photo #3, above) and sand, causing contamination. After many years, this contamination turns into a “creeping failure” and will show signs of breakout on the surface (photo #4, above). Eventually, the entire field will become saturated (photo #5, above), unable to drain. Wastewater coming from the home cannot filter through the layers of gravel and underlying soil in the absorption area and the groundwater becomes polluted.
New Jersey Septic Management Group has taken the challenge to educate and work with homeowners to avoid the eminent “creeping failure” caused by the absence of an effluent filter in the septic tank. Once an effluent filter is installed, our Septic System Service Program will pre-schedule annual service visits to clean the filter of sludge and scum particles (photo #6, above) that would have floated out to the field. This service program will give “Peace of Mind”, knowing you have done all you can to extend the life of your septic system!
Let New Jersey Septic Management Group help you PREVENT a “Creeping Failure” and PROTECT our groundwater.
Septic tank effluent filters provide an inexpensive means of preventing solids discharge. They are installed into the outlet baffle of the septic tank, collecting the suspended solids that would otherwise be carried out to the disposal field. Effluent filters are an excellent way to extend the life of your septic system, and require semi-annual cleaning, that should be done by a professional.

Bristle Filter for concrete, plastic or other material baffles(left) PVC Filter (blue) for a PVC baffle (right)
The configuration of your septic tank will determine the type and size of filter, as well as the cost to install:
• Do you have a single compartment or double compartment tank?
• Is the septic tank lid directly over the outlet baffle or in the center of the tank?
• Direct access to the outlet baffle is required to install and service a filter.
• Does the tank have a concrete, PVC, terra cotta or plastic outlet baffle?
4 Easy Steps to Proper Septic System Maintenance
- Install a septic tank effluent filter.
- Install a riser and locking lid to bring all septic tank access lid(s) to the surface (grade) for ease of regular servicing.
- Enroll in our affordable, Septic System Service Program. Neighborhood discounts are available.
- Schedule septic tank pump-outs every 1-3 years, depending on number of occupants and household habits.